First nine Managed GKE updates 2020

Geschrieben von Sebastian Nickel | Mar 10, 2020 9:11:54 AM

We updated some components and also enabled new features for nine Managed GKE. Please find the details below.

Component updates


We are now running loki in version 1.3.0. This release primarily adds some performance improvements. It reduces for example size of object storage space in GCS (which we use as the primary storage). For details and all changes, have a look at the official release announcement.


We have upgraded Grafana from version 6.4 to 6.6.2. There are a lot of new features and enhancments in these two versions, most prominently the new stat panel. Have a look at the full changes for 6.5 and 6.6.


We have upgraded the server-side component of Helm to the latest version v2.16.3. This release mostly contains security fixes.

New Features

Log Forwarding

Some customers already use external logging services and want to forward their nine Managed GKE logs to those external services as well.

This is now possible. We provide fluentbit instances which will forward the logs to a logging instance (either fluentbit or fluentd) of your choice (and under your control). From there you can transform and forward them to other logging services. For further information, please see our support documentation.

Cloud Pub/Sub

It is now possible to request Cloud Pub/Sub access in your nine Managed GKE project. Cloud Pub/Sub is Google’s fully-managed real-time messaging service. All the information we need to configure Cloud Pub/Sub with corresponding Google service accounts can be found in our support documentation.

Cloud Memorystore

We can now configure a Cloud Memorystore instance in your nine Managed GKE Google project. Cloud Memorystore is Google’s fully managed in-memory data store service which is compatible with the Redis protocol. All required information to order an instance can be found in our support documentation.