03/04/2017 - Managed AWS News

nine Team Apr 2, 2017

What is new about AWS and what is interesting for Swiss customers this week?

#New AWS Direct Connect Location in Zurich

AWS has officially announced a number of new AWS Direct Connect locations with Zurich, Munich, Prague and Berlin.

As AWS offers now the connection to the next location (for Zurich it’s the AWS region Frankfurt) as a part of their infrastructure, a dedicated VPN tunnel is not longer required. Therefore the new AWS Direct Connect location in Zurich increases the availability for Swiss customers to AWS.

Thus, the new location can also be interesting for customers with a higher volume, because the connection to a closer network location can be made more favorable by another price model.

You can find the original message from AWS here.

#New alarm functions for CloudWatch alarms

As of now, there are two new settings for the alarm function of the Amazon CloudWatch, which can be used to cover separate user or setup patterns.

Newly, the CloudWatchAlarms can be set up that e.g. an automatic alert won’t start at a traffic load of less than 95%, because this value is set as accepted.

In addition, the settings for repeated alarms can be individually customised by specifying what is to be done with the alarm as soon as it has been triggered.

You can find the original message from AWS here.

#New features at AWS Storage Gateway

AWS Storage Gateway has added some new features to the file configuration.

By updating the gateway file, additional NFS mount options can be added to the file release, and new or deleted objects can be scanned in Amazon S3.

The AWS Gateway Storage is operated via the Storage Management console or an API interface.

You can find the original message from AWS here.